Monday, March 21, 2011

Decide To Be Healthy

Do you want to be healthy? Do you want to live a life that is full of energy and free of disease? I think we all want that, but are we willing to do what it takes to get it?

One of the things we must do is to learn how to be healthy. Healthy, energetic people have learned what it takes to be healthy. Learn those skills, practice them, and you will be healthy and fit, too.

Being healthy calls for making many unconventional choices. If you can surround yourself with other healthy, fit people it will make it easier to make those hard choices. Becoming healthy and maintaining that health and fitness is a day-in, day-out endeavor. You may not make healthy choices 100% of the time, but the healthier you become, the easier and more automatic healthy choices will become.

Eat a plant-based, whole food diet as much as you can. Before buying foods that come in packages, learn to read the ingredient list. Don’t buy foods with lots of added fats and sugars or with a long list of ingredients you don’t even recognize.

Learn to drink water or herbal teas. Regular and diet soft drinks acidify your body, decay your teeth and leach minerals like calcium out of your bones. Fruit juices and other sweetened drinks stimulate a pro-inflammatory insulin response.

You must take responsibility for your own well-being and your own daily choices. Don’t rely on doctors to save you from heart attacks with fancy surgery or from diabetes with insulin or from cancer with toxic chemotherapy and radiation treatments. It is your body. Take care of it.

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© 2007-2015 Melinda Coker

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